We can all do what we can do to make this world a better place. However this starts with each of us being kind, gentle and appreciative of ourselves first. Accepting who you are, unlearning much of what you have been told, and living in a space of abundance and being grateful for being given the chance to breathe, share and experience life in all it's glory.
Do what you can do. Smile, be joyful, dance, and sing see that being alive is a gift, then spread that happiness to others. Help people with their shopping, take time to listen to another if they are in pain, be gentle. Don't get annoyed or impacted by others poor behaviour, they are simply in a different space to you. Donate time to your community, build a community group, your directive is yours and you are only limited by your imagination.
Tell yourself you are beautiful daily, a miracle, you are, we all are. We just need to remember and forget all the pre conditioned training we have had. Stand tall and count for something you believe in whatever that may be. Be conscious, accountable, gentle, strong, loving to yourself and others.
We ALL have the power to change the world, so allow your light to shine.

Humanity is kind at heart and has been separated by focusing on the differences between us and not the commonality of all people. Race, religion, colour, gender have been used to create division for too long. They have enabled the few to have power over the many.
WE/YOU have allowed this to occur. Now is the time to come together as one, to unify under one simple thought, in one group through kindness, compassion and love.
You don’t need to be a guru, a millionaire, a world thinker or someone with assumed power to create good. You just need to be you and create what you create, be the you, you can be, there is no big or small deed there just is. You are all powerful and have the universe behind you, you've just forgot.