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Imagine the world united, what would it look like and what part would you play?

Humanity has become separated from each other, ourselves and the Earth. For too many years we have been taught to focus on the differences between one another and not the commonalities, to look at what we can take, not what we can give or provide.


Yet we all know that humanity is kind, gentle, loving, giving, compassionate, and thoughtful. We are resourceful, creative, imaginative, and joyful. We love to dance, sing, laugh and share regardless of culture, religion or nationality.


​So how do we change this, what part can you play, and what can you do? This is a question each of us must answer for ourselves. Each must stand for themselves and create acts of kindness, generosity, and compassion because it is what we wish to do, what we wish to leave behind and who we are.


To live as we wish to see the world and ourselves. To unlearn what we have been taught and stand tall for no other reason than we can. No act too big or small, no right or wrong. Every act creating a moment of joy for ourselves and others and changing life one person at a time.


​What can you do? You can change your world.

Being nice means nothing and yet means everything.

It is a way of being

We all know when we are being nice or not. When we have stopped and considered others, that small acts of kindness create the biggest smiles. Each has their own way to express and give, share and create positive energy and joy. Being nice transcends colour, religion, nationality, and gender, it is a word we can all agree on and yet own for ourselves.


Now is the time for us all to join under one simple truth and direction, to become who we truly are within and live in our truest form for ourselves and others.​ To stand for who we are as souls, light beings and create the reality within that will shine out.


Niceism is a global community that will change the vibration of the planet, change humanity’s path, and build a world we would happily pass on to the next generation. A common cause, a single vision, flexible enough to allow all to join, open enough to encourage a united behaviour. Join now, come together, there is one race, the human race, one planet, no divide. 


Wouldn't that be nice? Read more >

Lets change humanity together
Our aim is to have 8 Billion members. 




(mathematically proven)

There will always be someone who can't see your worth.

Don't let it be you.

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Share the love

Have you noticed that everywhere you look there seems to be nothing but negative media, telling you how bad, dangerous and evil this world is? This constant bombardment just promotes, fear, stress and anxiety. So make a conscious effort to stop sharing it.


If we all share the kindness of humanity, and the beauty of the world,  promote wonderful, inspiring, imagery and stories we change the paradigm and show others the truth about humanity. 


Use hashtags #niceism #makemankind come join and follow on social media tell the world and share this idea​

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Together we are stronger

Cover the world in kindness

The way to defeat anxiety, fear and anger is through love, acceptance, generosity and kindness. The universe and all life is vibration, frequency and energy. So the more we move into our hearts the quicker we will heal the world. Stay strong, you know something is happening, join the awakening, you are not alone.

© Niceism: makemankind

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